Thursday, April 29, 2010

Poetry I Write

A lot of the poetry I write is either based on personal experiences, emotions or how I feel about a particular topic or what a friend may be going through. Sometimes these poems have helped those, who I've written them about to overcome problems or put things into perspective to move past a difficult time.
I write from the heart and draw on my own feelings on the subject matter. Poetry doesn't have to rhyme it can be about the core feelings you are experiencing at the time, which is probably the easiest way to write. Poetry can be as descriptive as you want it to be, but the more you write the more the reader is drawn into the story of what your poem is about. Writing poetry is an expressive outlet to which I can let go of things worrying me, or get past or help someone else through experiences in their life.
It is refreshing and relaxing, and can draw out negativity and push it away.
I love writing poetry and have done so since I was 14 - 15 years old.
Never give up on your writing of poetry it may start off small but it will grow as you do.

Poem - Rivalry of Dreams

While the sun shines brightly,
dark clouds rain in my heart.
The profound guilt I hold,
created by your harsh spoken words - cut me.
The ties that once held us together,
now flap clarelessly in the wind.

My threat to you is unjustified,
and I bare you no ill will.
I only wanted us to succeed together,
not start a war of decay.
Family means so much to me,
and so I hope it does for you.

Your dreams are still intact,
they have not been stolen or taken away.
Your ultimate day will come,
and although your journey towards them,
seems like all eternity.
It will all be worth it in the end.

So now leaves the question,
of where I stand with you.
Will you take my hand
and chase away the rain?
Or will you be content on
creating thunder to destroy
whatever we had left?

I hope some day that you will come around
and perhaps we could share a moment
Of the friendship we once had as sisters,
and bask in the glory,
of success together
I love you, and miss you...

Poetry - Guilty Heart

I grieve for the life I'm leaving
and frustrated at the thought I let myself get here.
Tears gently tricle down my face
with guilt heavily weighing in my heart.
I'm scared - and fear failure,
for my new expanding family.

It is not your fault, but mine,
I should've been more careful.
But now I worry I will not love you enough,
due to the shock of discovering you.
I feel so ashamed and selfish,
of the numb feelings I have.

I feel your growth changing me,
through the general symptoms pregnany brings.
Nausea and insomnia rule me,
and mimic the ocean crashing into the shore.
I feel helpless against the waves,
like I'm caught in a rip.

I know I have a guilty heart,
and I'm trying to contain my emotions.
I should love you,
but instead I feel nothing.
I feel like a bad Mum,
harbouring unwelcome wishes.

You are precious,
and there's a reason God sent you to me.
For this I'm unsure of
But no matter what
I'll be here to protect you,
from the harsh ways of the world.

You're still so tiny,
and don't quite understand just yet.
But give me some time,
and my love will turn to you.
Please forgive me
and the guilty ways of my heart.

Copyright April 21, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Poem - Empowering Birth

You grip my insides,
and I embrace the pain
It's time to go
and head for the nearest exit.
Squirming and turning,
Trying to make your way out.

With each push
my body gives way,
as you etch towards the light
I block out the pain
and tune in to you
As we work together.

From deep within
my focus is you
And our natural instincts
of sheer determination
explodes as you enter my world
And in to my outstretched arms.

I am deeply moved
By your powers
and your all knowing senses
as you turn in to me
Your search for my breast
until you reach your satisfaction.

You are so tiny
and such a miracle
I count your fingers and toes
and watch you in complete ore
You know who I am
as you reach from my hand.

I kiss your fingers
and stroke your face
as the happy tears
Drift down my cheeks
How proud I am of us
and the empowering birth we shared.

I love you, little one
with all my heart
and all my soul
I will guide you
and protect you
All the days of my life.

By Lea
22nd April, 2010

A journey of a mother and their child through birth.

Been Away

Sorry I've been away for awhile. I've been busy working on Forever Young as well as doing some freelance work. I have lots of news of what has been going on with me. Other than the general work, I was approached a few weeks ago to write a story that will be apart of a compilation of short stories in the genre of sci-fi based on aliens. The story will be published electronically and I will let you all know when it will be available online. It's very exciting.

The other good news is that we are expecting a new addition to our family later in the year which is exciting.

I'm planning on interviewing an author here later in the year at present they are quite busy working on the finishing touches to their new book.

I have also been accepted into a International Diploma Certificate Course based in the UK which I'm thrilled about so lots going on.

There will be more info coming up in the next few weeks.


Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Back

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families and New Year celebrations. As the new year has just begun and winds up again for those heading back to work, some kids overseas are heading back to school where as Aussie kids still have a few weeks till they return to school.
I'm still writing and moving along with 'Forever Young' it's coming together quite well and I hope to finish it this year as one of my New Years resolutions. How have you gone with your New Years resolutions? Have you started yet? Its not too late to start now.
March will be exciting as I looking into interviewing a few other known and unknown writers / authors about what makes them tick and how they got into writing. So stay tuned.
Lea xx