Thursday, November 26, 2009

New Avenues

Sorry I've been away for so long. I've trying out other avenues while still writing my novel on Forever Young. I've been working for a few people writing articles for them as a ghost writer to which they put up my work on various websites. It's been great and it gets a few dollars back into my hip pocket. You might have seen the little oDesk button on the side panel. It's a great website for freelance writers. Even if you are just starting out or perhaps you're an experienced writer. Whichever you may be, you can get paying jobs on this website. I've been there for almost 2 months and I'm my 5th job. I love it. I work during the week on oDesk and work weekends on my story. So I'm getting the best of both worlds.
A little news is that my little baby is turning 1yr old on Saturday. The time has just raced away but I've enjoyed every minute of it.
I'll leave it there for now and hope to add a few more interesting things next week.